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ENSEMBLE Expectation and Non-formal Skills

to Empower Migrants and

to Boost Local Economy


FALEP 2B (Fédération des Associations Laïques d'Education Permanente) is the departmental variation of the "League of teaching", a large popular education historical association founded in 1866 and today present in 102 French departments.
Falep is a privileged partner of French National Education.

It supports local action by partnering with institutions and associations that share the same values. Its 'political' commitments are primarily those of the National Confederation, namely: a Popular Education movement and social economy in populations Service Difficulty.

FALEP federates across Corsica over 50 associations in a large panel of fields as culture, integration, sports, environment, housing,... and manages several social institutions and integration measures, promoting values as liberty, equality, fraternity, secularism, solidarity and social justice.

Four areas of action:
1) Actions for integration and employment
2) Actions in the Culture-Education- associative life sector
3) Social Actions for family and children
4) Social Actions for accommodation and housing

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site and its contents reflects the views only of the authors,
and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.